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The Language Academy

The Brief


Graphic Design

Web Development

We created a brand for a new language school offering fun, bite-sized, curated language courses and events in Winchester. We were asked to create a modern, digitally charged identity that stood out from the crowd for the website that would serve as the figurehead of the visual identity.

The big idea of this identity was how we utilised language within the look and feel of the branding. To do this we used simplistic shapes to represent T L A spelt in morse code for the logo, which became the graphic styling for the whole identity. Throughout the website and printed collateral, we used this unique patterning to spell out the sections. Although a subtle design feature, combined with the vibrant purples and greens, really bought the life and energy across the brand. Using clean and sleek typography throughout the website, built as an online marketplace selling language courses, allows a vast amount of detail on each course with ease.